Sunday, April 15, 2012

In-tro-duc-tion! (You have to sing it ala Schoolhouse Rock!)

Well, here we go.  All set up so I reckon I should post something.  :)  Yeah, you heard me right:  reckon.  My vocabulary is a strange mish-mash of all sorts of regional vernacular, so you'll get everything from "big words" to "ya'll".  Some times you feel like a nut, some times you don't.

So I'm getting into this whole blog thing due to a recent upsurge in love of makeup and sart. I've been reading more beauty blogs and when I actually went to post on a friend's blog the browser was like, "set up an account!".  So here we are.  My biggest plans are to post about my two big "Ta-da! - Look what I did!" hobbies:  nail art and knit/crochet.  Weird combination, I know, but I'm a little bit girly-girl, a little bit old soul.  We'll see how it goes.  For now it'll probably be more nail-oriented since I've put knit & crochet on hold.  

Next post coming soon, stay tuned for pictures of a few of my recent nail art designs and other girly endeavors (read: I need to build a polish rack soon!).    


  1. We have more even more in common. I knit and crochet too!!! (or at least I used to. haven't in awhile) I can't wait to see everything. :)

    1. That's too funny! I go in spurts with my yarn craft. My last one ended with a nearly complete skirt that wasn't quite right (stupid inaccurate pattern!) and now I have to frog the whole thing and start over. But I always come back to it. :) And there are several things I want to do. So we'll see. I'm going to have to get better about taking pictures of everything!
